A Technological Counterpoint

I just finished editing my upcoming virtual GroupMuse recital. Who would have thought that with all my fears of technology, I would ever get this excited about digital production!

Having total artistic control means I get to switch camera angles to emphasize changes in harmonic colors and the beginnings of new phrases, like a technological counterpoint. What I love about creating a virtual experience is that I can bring your face right up to mine, show you the fingering that I use, or guide your focus in ways that in-person performances could not accommodate. As you know, everything I do comes out of a desire to create a personal connection, and with that in mind, I want to "communicate" with you as we zoom in and out of several cameras.

While I love playing in-person again, it is enjoyable in a different way to lounge on my sofa with a glass of bubbly water and not worry about what may be floating around in the air or how to stay alert for the trip home afterwards. Also, in the Zoom welcome and post-concert reception, isn't it nice that everyone has equal real estate, just like on Hollywood Squares, so we can see everybody at the same time? There will be an after-party in the breakout rooms!

My sommelier associate, Amy Karasavas, recommends a chenin blanc for the Debussy. She will explain it in depth at my March 25 webinar "Musical Pairings".... 

Joys of Conscious Listening


*W.A. Mozart Piano Sonata in C major, K.330 (movement)

*Claude Debussy From Douze Etudes

Pour les arpèges composés (for composed arpeggios)

Pour les agréments (for ornaments)

*Francis Poulenc Excerpts from “Improvisations”

& Les Chemins de l’Amour

*Bricusse/Newley Pure Imagination (Based on Arrangement by Bill Charlap)

*Modest Mussorgsky The Great Gate of Kiev